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RE: Retiring the Global Blacklist API

in #anti-abuse4 years ago

Looking at the proposals, your blacklist proposal still has 54 days of funding left. Why did you choose to end it now and not in 54 days when the proposal renews?


The proposal isn't funded, it is 4M out of like 23M for approval. I don't see it being approved and is clear it isn't something people want. It's been a constant headache so I am happy to not deal with it.

Ohhhh, I see this very thin, 5 pixel wide warning now that proposals below this thin green line aren't being funded. That UI is not apparent to people who just glance at that section once every few months. The funded proposals shouldn't have the same purple "Active" badge as non-funded proposals. They should have a green "funded" badge.

Screw the headaches. AltSpace has made it apparent your true calling is the digital standup comedian! 😄

The proposal system is pretty confusing, but yeah anything below the line is unfunded. Except for the "Upcoming" section, that's proposals that are not active yet and may already pass the funding line but it doesn't disclose that until it becomes active.

Screw the headaches. AltSpace has made it apparent your true calling is the digital standup comedian!

Not sure I can do that all that much, I know a lot of jokes but not that many.