Bullshit. You haven't read, or haven't understood what you read, that he has said in his post.
He wrote:
"Milking the Steem reward pool?
I could keep posting stuff on Steem, to milk the reward pool while things last, but this is something I have decided not to do. Mainly because I chose to focus my energy toward Hive, but also because I think it would be not be appreciated by those who still believe in Steem (even if I have to admit I don't care). Furthermore, in addition to being actively censored on Steem, I think my posts would have been cheerfully downvoted."
You find it really odd that anyone would dare to criticize your self-aggrandizing without scruple.
You're either deliberately misstating what I have said, missing the points, and belittling them rather than addressing them, or too stupid to comment cogently.
You have been saying all kinds of ridiculously hyperbolic things. Take a cool shower.
Steem is a tyranny. You're acting to support that tyranny when you post there.
That's who you are, and the principles you support.
For pennies.
How sad.
Did you already forget that I wrote I stopped bothering to post to Steem a while ago?
That's who you are, and the principles you support.
How sad.
I realize we're living in stressful times. Just cool off. Shitposting to Steem, dumping any STEEM earned on the markets is not supporting Steem.
Facts aren't hysteria. Quit implying bullshit and pretending your attack on @arcange isn't based on the exact principles under discussion.
That is his essential position. It is not support.