Sorry, @arcange, you are a great guy, but really?
I might even start to downvote them if they persist in their behavior.
Sure, i get your reasons, and you are free to do whatever you want with your stake, but don't you think people should do what they want with their content? Do you really think that users that are posting their work on both chains should be punished, because they are looking to get the best return for their work?
Sure, don't support them if you don't like it, but flag?
See, most of you guys have this idea that you are superior to Justin Sun and his acts, but honestly, in a lot of ways some of you big stake holders are acting just like him.
Some actions seems to come only from spite and vengeance...
If users post their creation on both chains and start to get flags for no other reason than "i don't like you dealing with competitors" where do you think these creators will go?
What you think is more appealing to someone? A threat to stop business with the competition, or incentive to make your business more appealing to their needs?
You guys really need to stop this fool's crusade against Steem, and focus on improving the product we have.
In the past, keeping content creators on the chain were always a problem, because for some reason, content creators seems to have always been seen as some sort of underclass (unless they have a whale patronage). Don't you think it is time to change this kind of culture?
Shouldn't we, as a community, be embracing old and new people, instead of scaring them off?
I post my content here, but also on Steem,, uptrend, LBRY... so? Should i stop to put them on, uptrend, LBRY and any other platform i like so i don't get flags on HIVE?
Seriously. Think about it. It's time to stop.
Let Steem do their thing, and focus on helping HIVE do it's thing, but better than the competition.
That's how a brand grow.
What a way to encourage people to prioritize HIVE chain. Isn't it?
I'm not taking sides. However strategy which currently STEEM seem to follow seem to be very different. They support authors, who do not cross-post instead of punishing those who do. If you will start downvoting posts of those who are posting on both chains, then you will only push many solid content creators away from HIVE.
Haven't you been following the STEEM/HIVE drama, @phgnomo? JS may be an A-Hole yet the V.22.2 Cabal have proven themselves to be a bunch of greedy vindictive low lives, using the narrative of decentralisation as a cover for retaining their power to token grind. No? Let's see how that decentralisation thing worked out...
DPoS Governance is broken beyond repair. The real milkers, here, are the V.22.2 Cabal.
P.S. Came across this video shortly after posting my comment and it seemed weirdly relevant in the drama of the DPoS environment. We have been told to pick a side from the day JS walked in the door. The message in the video pretty much applies to all situations in my opinion.
Totally agree with you !, it is totally unacceptable that it was sanctioned and someone is persecuted for publishing their content where they prefer This sounds to me like a kind of Nazi inquisition and it's completely despicable this kind of behavior
Easy for you to say, you didn't have 40k usd worth of tokens stolen from you.
Sure man, i get your pain, and it was a fucked up thing that happened.
But going after the users isn't the solution. Only creates more problems.
How about this? You are free to post wherever you like, and I am free to vote on whoever I like. Everyone has freedom.
Never questioned that my friend.
And also @arcange is free to support (or not) whoever he want.
But do you really think this kind of threath to flag users using both platform will make them choose HIVE over Steem?
As far as i know, a cryptocurrency project and/or social platform is only as valuable as many people accept it and use it, so actions to drive people away won't help HIVE grow.
As i said, i understand you and the others pain, but those that have a big influence in this place (specially witness) must start to separate their personal gains/losses from what will make this blockchain grow.
Or else, it will be only downhill, and Steem could even win in the end.
You and other witness are what we could call "public figures", and should act as such, and not put your personal feelings on the mix.
Witness are expected to act to secure and make the project grow, and that is why they are elected (at least that should be the main reason.
So, it is your job to think about what can happen with the image and long-term grow of HIVE when doing actions like this.
Putting users on a public 'black list' is branding them as some kind of criminal that is doing some kind of damage.
Which is not the case of these users. (Unless they are doing shitty stuff like spamming and vote-farming. But we already have some of these around)
You can stop with the "I get your pain" bullshit. No, you don't get it at all.
I was robbed of 40K usd. This is not a personal feeling; this is a cold hard fact. You are attempting to reduce that serious felony of a crime to just some hurt feelings. That shows that you don't get it at all.
Both arcange and I are free to vote on whoever we like. And we are free to create a list to make this easier. I don't plan on flagging anyone for this reason, but flagging is another freedom that everyone has, including you.
So, you disagree with me, and downvote? nice move.
Very anti-censorship...
You should direct your anger and aggression toward those responsible about it, and not to people who try to show another perspective.
Your anger against Steem is stoping you to understand the whole point of this conversation.
It's not about proving who is the criminal, this has already been clearly established.
But about directing the punishment toward those that had nothing to do with the fact.
So, one last time. I don't care how you use your stake.
But since you and @arcange are elected representatives of the community, your actions have a reflection on the direction HIVE as a platform will go.
So, if you or any other witness use your stake to start flagging people for the sole reason of using another platform, well... That doesn't make things look very good on the future.
Therefore, why would anyone put money in a place where the main representatives of that place are pulling shit like that, regardless of the impact of these actions, and for personal reasons (no matter if the reasons are valid or not)?
Come on. You are a business man. Think like one.
Going after the users of fucked up mechanisms is certainly an effective means of opposing fucked up systems. Use slavery as an example of the principles involved.
Would you similarly recommend not targeting slave owners because you oppose slavery?
Steem is a totalitarian government. Participating on Steem supports that government, which you have a right to do - but is not free from consequences. One of those consequences is that free, rational people will oppose you if you do.
Count on it.
There's no relation in your analogy; a slave owner doesn't equate a writer on a blogging platform. You are only using this example to corner the argument around an irrefutable fact ― nobody will disagree with targeting slave owners.
I agree.
Participating is not necessarily linked to supporting. I propose the following approach.
China is a totalitarian government. Should we target EVERY Chinese people for participating in China's environment?
One can participate on a certain environment without supporting it; an active supporter needs to vote for authoritarian governance ― which is not the case for most users.
Do the Chinese have a choice? No? A bit different than Steem, eh?
The only thing that gives Steem any value is it's community. Therefore I am unhappy that any folks hereabouts continue to be part of that community. I haven't finished powering down yet, but I'm willing to lose every satoshi of value of any Steem remnant to me to see Steem utterly collapse.
Society has far greater value than it's economy.
My analogy to slave owners was entirely valid, because supporting Steem is supporting Sun, and totalitarian governance. Supporting either party is equally abhorrent and contrary to human rights. That you do not grasp that is disconcerting to me.
Are you a Communist or something? Don't human rights have far greater value than a few satoshis?
They do to me.
Your question deviates from the point I'm trying to make. But, my answer is yes, they are allowed to immigrate.
Now address mine.
China is a totalitarian government. Should WE target EVERY Chinese people for participating in China's environment?
Participating doesn't mean supporting, and retaliating writers ― in a generalized manner ― doesn't help Hive thrive either. In fact, it makes it worse.
I agree in parts. Is the whole community voting for the autoritariam witnesses or acting as a bad witness? Or part of the community is sole interested in sharing articles and living off that?
You have all the right to be unhappy. You also have all the right to ignore people who post on various platforms, if that makes you content. As long as it doesn't involve downvoting, it's fine.
I do grasp your idea. I just pointed out that it has nothing to do with writers sharing articles. Most of the writers don't even know how governance works, they just want to share an article. No need to overthink here.
Don't get me wrong on my commentary though, it's not a personal charge against you.
Regardless of posting on Steem or not, judging a writer based on the premise that he/she might support Justin Sun does no good for the Hive community.
So instead of moving toward changing the minds of those who are indirectly benefiting from the 'slavery', we just go out and beat them up? (Since we can't punch the slave masters...)
Who do you think these people will join after that? The slave masters or those who want to free the slaves?
That's a lie.
Do what you will. Expect consequences. If you're rational you will anticipate correctly. You seem to be irrationally expecting there to be no negative consequences of unethical profiteering.
I hope you learn from the unexpected results you experience, and that gaining wisdom profits you more than losing money harms you.
Absolutely according to your comments and annotations. Bravo!!!
Excellent answer, I subscribe to each and every one of your words.
Standing applause 👏👏👏
Agreed whole heartily.