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RE: Helping Antifa - Know your enemy

in #antifa7 years ago (edited)

Look. If you are truly anti-fascist yet you believe you can dictate and decide free speech then my JOKE post was the truth.

If you don't believe you can dictate the free speech of others then you are not the problem. Yet there are those in the Antifa movement that are.

If you feel you can dictate my speech and that this is your right.

Then that entire debate we had long ago about anarcho-capitalism vs anarcho-communism. You will have won it for me. As Anarchy means "no rulers". Yet YOU antifa by silencing free speech are attempting to be exactly that.

Communism and Socialism cannot exist in a voluntary fashion beyond the small scale. Thus, when they must resort to involuntary means they become the RULE makers which makes the entire anarcho-communist label an oxymoron, a paradox.

Meanwhile those that actually speak AGAINST the establishment, and the big corporate interests are those who the black block usually protests.

So that would make the black block do the dirty work of the fascists.

Thus my post applies.

As to the suicidal comments...

If many of these anti-fascists in the black block are trying to fight fascism then they either need to start looking for different targets and quit backing up the establishment and corportocracy, or if they insist they are fighting fascism but want to keep attacking those that are anti-fascists then logic would dictate they likely should commit suicide since that would make THEM fascists.

As to establishment.

Let's see... some guy in office for not even a couple of months before Antifa goes after people supporting him...

or perhaps the people in congress who have been there more than three decades...

geee which ones are more likely to be the "establishment".

Yet they love the actions of the black block.

So when the true "establishment" loves the black block, and some of the wealthiest people in the world love the black block and antifa...

Do you truly think you are anti-fascist?

Thus... the mirror.

The mirror is the same as saying "Wake the fuck up and look around"

EDIT: As far as free speech...

We can talk with words, or we can talk with weapons.