Kill Gates’ Eggstermination Scheme, Kill Capitalism, Lolita Express And The Model Idiots Who Died For “Science”

in #antifa2 years ago

Kill Gates’ Eggstermination Scheme, Kill Capitalism, Lolita Express And The Model Idiots Who Died For “Science”

How to impress your date in 2023: Show her your eggs; flash your Antifa membership card; tell her how your company is responsible for saving lives by mutating people.

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INTRO VID: When you're Bill Gates (Rap):

Flight Logs to Epstein:

More Flight Log Evidence

Largest egg producer’s plant burned down:

VIDEO As a chicken owner I may need to invest in this for my future egg supply syndicate…~~~ embed:1619993751254110209 twitter metadata:X2V2ZWx5bnJhZXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9fZXZlbHlucmFlL3N0YXR1cy8xNjE5OTkzNzUxMjU0MTEwMjA5fA== ~~~

Football Player Collapses Suddenly After Suffering from Cardiac Arrest During Beitostølen Cup in Norway:

Former National Football League Player Chris “Swaggy” Baker Almost Died from "Severe" Stroke:

Tom Cruise Paris Hilton deepfake: ~~~ embed:1619541633569288192?s=20&t=7Q7E9FEY40fdcMDoqUHTVw twitter metadata:RGFybmVsU3VnYXJmb298fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vRGFybmVsU3VnYXJmb28vc3RhdHVzLzE2MTk1NDE2MzM1NjkyODgxOTJ8 ~~~

Excellent deep fake with Morgan Freeman: ~~~ embed:1620015088513187842?s=20&t=7Q7E9FEY40fdcMDoqUHTVw twitter metadata:QmlsbFN3YTk0ODgzMzEwfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0JpbGxTd2E5NDg4MzMxMC9zdGF0dXMvMTYyMDAxNTA4ODUxMzE4Nzg0Mnw= ~~~

They Knew: Why Didn’t the Vaccinated Do More to Warn “Us”

"We" didn't do shit, you crazy old hag:

Jane Fonda Climate Change is Causing Racism:
~~~ embed:1619084318789500928 twitter metadata:U2ViR29ya2F8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vU2ViR29ya2Evc3RhdHVzLzE2MTkwODQzMTg3ODk1MDA5Mjh8 ~~~

Paul Pelosi bodycam video has been released. Pelosi with his “friend” had a beer in his hand and is smiling in his underpants when the door opens:

Check out today’s video..!


Longtime viewer, new TDV member, and finally figured out the HIVE connection. Feel like a foreigner in a strange new World. Love it! Both exciting and new, my brain is alive again..... Always great walk and talks with the same mindset. Just wanted to finally say Hola!

...finally figured out the HIVE connection. Please post instructions here...

What have I done to help these past 3 years? I am a teacher who runs a site called "Information Incorporated." I have around 10,000 followers on Facebook, around 1,000 on Bitchute and Odysee and many other platforms. I did a few walk and talks as well but with no dog. LOL! I speak my truth to whoever is willing to listen, but talking to most teachers on any real topic is hard to do.

thanks bro

anarka MUCHO

BEST KILL GATES IMPRESSIONito ever (milleneal ever)

in memphis . rep38106

Jeff ! take a look at " puss in boots - the last wich" there are meems for you !
If not, it is funny, I see puss as Jeff !
Fun for the family- at least.
Roy from Norway.

This is too srange ! To much !
You got to see it ! Reality breake down.
Jeff ! please take a look !

Oh, Jeff. No 20-something- or 30-something-year-old woman would want to be with Mr. Manboobs, especially if she can easily look him up online. Not to mention, he's on lamestream media news all the time.

I don't think his drink got spilled until the guy was tackled by the cops.. I laughed and laughed. "Hi", yeah he was high alright. "drop the hammer" was that 'Days of Thunder'? "uh no".. and then ... McHammer pretneded he was Thor.
FYI: I slowed the video down to .5 and was trying to see if there was anything worht seeing.. BUT
I listened to Jeff on .5x speed and I almost pissed my pants. He sounds perfectly drunk.
Hhahhaahhahahhahha jajjajajajjajajajajajajjaja
Oh snap, go back to like 53 minutes and listen to Jeff at .5x and dmake sure you go to the bathroom first.
Even the chick doing the report about her common cold. jajajajajajajajajajajaj THEN>... THEN..
The best part comes up.. she gets done.. and Jeff comes back.. and hahahahhahahahahahahaha
Just before the part about the Pelosi thing..
"Enjoy your miocarditis"
"We're mutant viruses.."
But any way...
He gets through the Veratas and the Pfizer stuff
ANTIFA.. and that was just hilarious..
Ok.. Don't get caught up in facts...
Wait till he talks the Pelosi incident!!!
Anybody that has partied with Jeff for 10 hours will have flashbacks of the times they had.
Probably remember stuff you thought you forgot.
You know he sounds like one of those drunk conspiracy thorists that makes it all make sense.

That's not my contribution..
My contribution is still coming..
I'll email you Jeff.
thanks. I'm glad I accidently set it back to far and decided to listen to the last 20 minutes at 0.5x speed which made it take 40 minutes..

Trump it is said has not been to the island, but chartered the plane only for his own use . No epstein island. That's what I have seen. Any proof he went to the island?

Still no offers for the RV yet?

Jeff needs to be the voice of Kill Gates on South Park.