This entire story I simply can't get away from a single feel: Feels good man.
Extremism is only a bad thing if the extremists are oppressive and aim to hurt a target group.
Antifa doesn't want that.
Well, we do, hang the elite yada yada, but the thing is this isn't a bad thing, as violence is not always a bad thing. People who are vile abusive individuals who hurt others do not deserve the right of protection and thus any violence unto them is justified and for the greater good, even if it doesn't change their opinion personally.
The same applies for the #1 domestic terrorist group, the lovely fellows at ALF (Animal liberation Front).
Sorry but terrorism and extremism, once again, when done against vile abusive twisted farmers to rescue helpless animals is NOT a bad thing.
If you disagree ask yourself if violence against a slave owner, the freeing of slaves, and the destruction of the slave owners property is wrong.
If you think it is wrong you've lost your humanity.