How much can you earn on mining? On the example of ASIC'a from Bitmain: Antminer S9

in #antminer7 years ago

Many people have now been considered as a means of passive income in their heads about mining. In this article, I will try to expand it in detail using the example of extraction with the help of ASIC.

And finally, I will summarize the cost, profitability, recovery and key problem: access

This is what looks like ASIM antirender S9

This article basically answers "how much questions"? And not "how?" So do not wait here for explanation about the configuration and execution details of the exploration

It runs on the ASIC SHA256 algorithm and is designed for "bit" bitcoin ($ BTC).

So, let's go straight to the number. Let's begin with the display. For this type of device, it varies from 11.5 to 14/14 and depends on a lot. Think best

Power consumption, depending on the lot

Now the power consumption. At 14TH / s it is 1372W (the information is taken from the official site). We will need it when calculating energy costs.

And finally, the most interesting! MONEY.

The calculation was made at the time of writing the article - the morning of December 08, 2017.

The rate of BTC is $ 15,420 (Bitfinex exchange); $ 1 = 59.29 rubles (CBRF).

Calculate performance on

We will not be interested in all these points, we are interested in only one thing: profitability and as you can see in the plate, this is $ 34.12 / day.
Or 2023 rubles / day (at current exchange rate). All other awards, I will write in the ruble. In one month, it will bring us 60690 rubles "dirty".

Calculate power consumption I will not consider "free exit" or preferential rates, but I will take standard - 5.38 rubles / kW

In one month we will pay 30 24 1.372 * 5.38 = 5315 rubles.

Net profit for the month (30 days) is 55 315 rubles.

Return on price, investment and availability

Let's start with the original source - Manufacturers of these ASICs in China - Bitmain. In the factory, about 1500 dollars for ASIC and $ 100 for power supply is spent.

Those. But for a set of only $ 1600! When the party comes, it is bought almost instantly - this time. And even if you had an opportunity to place this order, the delivery would be only after 3 months - it's two. Similarly, the possibility of customs, childbirth and marriage - all this makes the choice objectionable.


To further help your argument, $34 is most likely not going to happen. Even with the recent increase in value of the past few weeks, my own bitminer is looking at mid $20s. I also have fairly cheap electricity.

Most miners at the time of this posting are selling for about $3000. I know this because I currently am selling mine for that price.

I think the overall profitability is really gonna decrease in the coming months. The more antminers Bitmain churns out, the less of the pie you get.

I see the antminer no longer being profitable within the next 12 months. The time could come sooner if Bitcoin drops in value...