It is available for Mac. Its called Neon-0.0.3.dmg. Find it here:
Small Tip: Neon wallet does not recognize fractional values. For example if you send 1.9 Neo to the wallet, you will only get credited with 1 NEO and you will lose the fractional value of .9, even though you paid for it.
Also .1 to .2 neo approx, is the transfer fee (charged by most exchanges, like bittrex), so when you are transferring amount to the wallet, send say 2.2 neo, so you get credited with 2 neo. If you send 2 neo, only 1.9 will be sent after the fee is deducted, and the neon wallet ignore the decimal balace of 0.9 and your wallet will only be credited with 1 neo.
What happens to the left over fractional amount? Its still yours, it can't just go poof. This sounds like a major flaw.