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RE: Lima BEING Deep: Mental Health Journey, Childhood Memories, & My SteemitSpiritAnimal

in #anxiety7 years ago

Thank you for that....i really seek this kind of personal post. Its easy to hide behind these oh so nifty and crafted posts...yet we are all flesh and bone, blood and bad luck all mashed up in a molotov joy cocktail. and so may you explode.... may you evolve full circle back to your current perfection!
p.s. I am sure you are being kept alive by the way.


Lol probably seein as how i've always been accident prone. So glad to see you back!!! I needcome visit. Discount vacay still open?? Lolol

sure is! but this butt be on vacation himself....yep years of serving tourists demands me to demand another beach side margarita...chop chop Paco....(im in spain and love that people are actually named Paco) Wheres my taco Paco...god...the service is so slow around gonna be the worst customer.... but yes...come visit in a few months when im back to Guatemala.

Done and done!!! Lol maybe... Guatemale is far from Venezuela? Bit curious about thar turmoil....

venezuala is close....depending on what you compare it too. but not specifically close. venezuala is the top of south america. guatemala the upper part of central america.

Lol @buttcoins can you move closer to vzla plz and thanks.