During the Vietnam war an American Soldier was captured and locked up in a cage of dire conditions.
Every year, the General of the Vietnam army would approach the Soldiers cage and release upon a closed door of the camp. With the inability to see past beyond this door, the General spoke to the soldier, "You can face whats past this door, or you can return to your cage."
Each year, the Soldier stood by the door, anxious to what may be past the door. Every year, the Soldier returned to his cage where he found comfort upon his misery.
Once the soldier had died in his cage, a Vietnamese Soldier asked the General, "What lies beyond that door?" The general responded, "Safe passage back to his family and home."
The only way we grow in life is to face our fears, this includes facing things that makes us anxious. Do not be afraid of failing, only through failure can we learn to master our own fate.
If you have any issues with anxiety, please contact me upon my life coach email; [email protected]