Thank you for sharing your experience here. I don't think that this is a clear yes/no situation. Conventional therapy & anti depressants are not for everyone, just like dealing with it on your own is not for everyone. There are many different levels of depression and anxiety and each person deals with it differently.
Also there are natural ways and theraphies that help, but again- it depends on the person and their situation (also- anti depressants can be a tricky game and if you are not given the perfect fit of drugs, they can even make it worse).
I salut you for taking it seriously and finding the treatment that fits you best and dealing with it. A lot of times depression puts us down so much that it's hard to actually bring ourselves to solve it.
I highly recommend this wonderful book about depression, if you're into reading further about it: Darkness Visible by William Styron here is the Hebrew translation.
And as someone who is creating a lot out of my depression state, I created my art-givaway around this toppic as well, if you are interested in getting yourself an art print, feel free to join and share your experience there as well! <3
Here is for a happy Monday,
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