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RE: Lima BEING Deep: Mental Health Journey, Childhood Memories, & My SteemitSpiritAnimal

in #anxiety7 years ago

So much of this post resonates with me (other than the almost being killed so many frellin' times - holy crap, girl! Your guardian angel must be making beaucoup hazard pay!). I've been in the same spot many times myself (truth be told, I'm dangling my feet over the edge of that darkness right now - stoopid seasonal affective disorder).

As far as the second item on your list, may I recommend signing up with the website, "The Universe Talks" ( There's a little orange tab thingy in the upper right corner of the home page that says, "sign up for the notes." You add your email, and whatever other information you feel like (such as dreams and goals), and every weekday you get an email like this -

"When you understand why something really hurts, Traci, it stops hurting.

When you understand you have options, you take action.

And when you get that no one can ever stop you from loving more, you feel the love you had earlier denied.

It’s time to get it on,
The Universe"

I've been getting them for years, and they still take my breath away on a regular basis.

Sending lots of good juju your way, and I hope you're enjoying our New England heat wave - LMAO!


Im gonna be honest. I listen to
The actual universe. It sounds more interesting than tut. I used to get them and it was just not jiving with my being. Too sacchirin. Too vague. Toocomputered generated and followed up with add.

Im sorry about you S A D i have it too. This is me trying to get through it. Thnx for your love and suggestions ❤️❤️❤️ Oh yes!! The warmth was /is awesome. The sun is so healing

Yeah, I get that. I'll check out The Actual Universe - hadn't heard of it before.

You're welcome, and enjoy! Hope you don't have my problem... LOL

I do but i use sunblock ;) n sun glasses.

Smart lady!

Or should I say, "wicked smaht lady!" LMAO