Splinterlands Brawl Update and Land + Market Report!

Good morning Splinterfriends!

Today I have a couple things for you and one of them is kinda awesome :)


Brawling is an important part of Guilds in Splinterlands... In addition to serving a great way to earn SPS and Cards via Gladius Cases... Brawling also has another function...


Brawl Win 2-5-25.png

Yeah, that's right!!

We took home FIRST place in our most recent Brawl and at Tier 4... these Brawls are no joke... the competition is INTENSE... and @clayboyn whooped my ass this time...

But... while I may have lost the battle... our Guild won this war!!!


Now... we have won our share of Brawls... and usually place pretty well... but this one, this one I felt the need to share for two reasons...

One - look at that margin of victory... We snatched Gold with ONE. SINGLE. WIN.


But wait... it gets better... a victory is meaningless when there is no competition... if you go out and just wreck everyone without breaking a sweat... it would be boring... just ask Saitama!



However... Look at who we bested for first place... look who we squeezed out 3 measly extra points to overcome... that's right make allllllllllll the references...

Buzzer Beater...

Photo Finish...

Squeaked By...

Won by a nose... hair.

Whatever reference you want to make... we, the proverbial David... took down a MIGHTY GOALIATH!!!! The vaunted Guild... TEAM POSSIBLE... The #4 Ranked Guild in the ENTIRE GAME...

Was defeated this time by the unruly band of hooligans and general "malicious do-gooders"... Bitcoin & Brews!!!


It wouldn't be worth celebrating without them being such incredible competition and skilled players!!


Well... they were... at the time of the Brawl I guess... lol...


Anyways - I want to thank and congratulate everyone in this Brawl... and the ones before where we were defeated. It is always a pleasure to compete against you in the Arena!!

Now... there's been a couple small developments in the "Land" section of the game and it's worth mentioning!! Lets check out the latest developments in Praetoria and see what all the fuss is about!!

Last time I wrote a Land Update was on 1/17/2025 and that can be found here:

Previous Land Update

In this report, we saw that we had only Claimed and Surveyed 4 Plots since the previous report... Heloise taking the spotlight... 😒


This time though... there is a small, yet significant difference in Praetoria... lets take a peek 😏


Wait a minute... 7 Plots Claimed and Surveyed... but we opened a new Tract!!! Do you know what that means??? There's a Mythic Plot in there... There's a Keep to be found... or perhaps... EVEN A CASTLE!!!

Let the Land Rush begin anew!!


In the meantime, lets visit these new Plots and see who found what... out in the wilds of Praetoria!

Plot 93 is where we left off previously... so we shall stop by and see how that is going 😊

Plot 93 in Tract 1 of Region 143 Dryae Tor is a Common Natural Swamp owned by @r0s but they haven't developed it yet... however, starting where we left off is a time honored tradition at this point... but let us venture forth and see what was discovered!

Plot 94 is a Tingly Swamp!! @p0upa has Claimed and Surveyed a Common Magic [Death] Swamp!! Nice find p0upa!! Currently, it is undeveloped... but we shall see what becomes of it!

Plot 95 is another p0upa property and it is a Common Natty Swamp... not tingly this time though...

Plot 96 is a Fancy Swamp! Look at that boulder... that is a nice boulder! p0upa has Claimed and Surveyed a Rare Natural Swamp and they have put it up for sale on the market for... wait a minute this can't be right... checks notes... Five... Hundred... Dollars???


Don't think that's gonna sell any time soon buddy...

Moving on to Plot 97 we see @twotaps has found another Common Natty Swamp! They haven't done anything with it yet... so we continue our journey!

Plot 98 is SON OF A MOTHER F#$$%# B#$%#!!!! You lucky DOG YOU!!!!! I had thought about trying to snag the last couple but decided not to do it...

CONGRATULATIONS YOU LUCKY MOTHER F#$#$ @twotaps... A Legendary Occupied Swamp is Plot 98!!!!!


That is one hell of a find!! Man... that is AWESOME!! With 104k PP, I am sure you'll have that Shard Mine up and running in no time!!

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, what a find!! I mean seriously!! Congratulations on that pull!


As if that WASN'T good enough... Plot 99 is twotaps again... with a Common Occupied Badlands... Seriously... some people have all the luck... and it ain't me!!

The final Plot in Tract 1 of R143 Dryae Tor is...

Plot 100... which is @sigmaboyblu who found a Common Natty Swamp and has a quaint little Grain Farm on it pulling in 38 Grain/hour. Nice work sigmaboyblu! If only you and I could be lucky like twotaps...

Next up is Tract 2... which means... we start all over again and good luck to those Claiming and Surveying those Plots!!

Thank you for joining us so far... we go to Peakmonsters to get the latest Land Prices and see how things are going!!

Coming to you LIVE, from the @peakmonsters Financial Desk we give you your long awaited, always satisfying, never disappointing WEEKLY LAND MARKET UPDATE!!!

Let's see what updates and possible deals we can find today, in the Peakmonsters Land Market Tab!!

Natural Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (1,789) [+439!!]: $14 {+$2.12 from Previous Report} -- "WAY more Plots and Price up 15%!!"
Rare (473) [+125!!]: $17 {+$1.00 from Previous Report} -- "Supply up 30% and price bumped... seems like a good sign"
Epic (87) [ -11]: $80 {+$20.01 from Previous Report} -- "Told you those $60 Epics were CHEAP!!"
Legendary (18) [ -7]: $289.999 {+$40 from Previous Report} -- "Legendary Lands... Still under $300 but supply dropping!!"

Magical Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (214) [+57]: $27 {-$2.999 from Previous Report} --
Rare (83) [+6]: $38 {NC from Previous Report} --
Epic (28) [ -4]: $115 {-$13.999 from Previous Report} -- "Supply down and Price down??"
Legendary (8) [+1]: $888 {-$111 from Previous Report} --

Not much activity happening with Magical Lands lately... Maybe something is up and I missed it... I'd love to hear your thoughts as to why this is happening, in the comment section!

Let's head over and take a look at the Horrorfest they call "Occupied Plots"...

Occupied Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (58) [NC]: $84.999 {-$.001 from Previous Report} -- "You're doing this just to make me edit this spot... aren't you!!"
Rare (19) [ -1]: $119.999 {-$5.01 from Previous Report} --

Epic (8) [NC]: $479 {-$120 from Previous Report} -- "@geppone has reduced their price on their Epic Occupied Plot!" Legendary (3) [ -1]: $1,540 {-$700 from Previous Report} -- "HOLY CRAP THIS SEEMS LIKE @geppone HAS A CRAZY PRICE ON THIS LEGO OCCUPIED!! Lowest I've ever seen!!"

Do with this data as you will!!! It's not financial advice, just data and my observations, with a humorous twist!

Coming up next, Mythics!

Mythic Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Keep (15) [ -5]: $888 {+$213 from Previous Report} --
Castle (3) [NC]: $6,840 {-$960!! "@geppone has a CASTLE listed at a BARGAIN PRICE!!"

Next up: Plots, Tracts and Regions - OH MY!

Land Claim (# Available) [+/- #]: High Bid$/$Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Plot Claim (76) [+5]: No Bid/$39.687 Mkt Price {NC Bid/-$15.313 Ask} "Plot Price dropping a bit over the last two weeks"
Tract Claim (2) [NC]: $.07 Bid/$11,750 Mkt Price {NC Bid/NC Ask} --
Region Claim (1) [NC]: $.001 Bid/1 For Sale, still at $88,888.88 {-$2.249 Bid/NC Ask}-- "Y'all are just doing that to make me type aren't you 🤔"

Deer3 is still holding onto that $88,888.00 Price and with the Bull Market Coming... they just may get it!

Next is an ALL NEW segment!! Introducing the Totem Tracker!!

Totem Fragments (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (204) [ -16]: $.65 High Bid??/$.39 Mkt Price {NC Bid/-$.13 Buy} -- "Combine 10 @ Mkt Price = $3.90 for a Common Totem!" "(I bought this)... It's $.59 again 😜"

Rare (70) [NC]: $3.00 High Bid/$3.69 Mkt Price {+$1.00 Bid/+$.19 Buy} -- "Combine 8 @ Mkt Price = $29.52 for a Rare Totem"

Epic (20) [ -2]: $15 High Bid/$18.20 Mkt Price {+$5.00 Bid/+$1.70 Buy} -- "Combine 6 @ Mkt Price = $109.20 for an Epic Totem"

Legendary (9) [ -1]: $135 High Bid/$140 Mkt Price {NC Bid/+$25 Buy} -- "Combine 4 @ Mkt Price = $560 for a Legendary Totem"

Totem Claims (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (831) [ -11]: $20 High Bid??/$6.380 Mkt Price {MC Bid/NC Buy} --
Rare (154) [+1]: $15 High Bid/$55 Mkt Price {NC Bid/-$14.69 Buy} --
Epic (21) [NC]: $70 High Bid/$375 Mkt Price {NC Bid/NC Buy} --
Legendary (2) [NC]: $1.01 High Bid/$1,750 Mkt Price {NC Bid/NC Buy} --

That's it folks, we've reached the end of the Land Update!! I shall continue to refine these as we go along and I look forward to reading your feedback in the comments!!


Thank you for reading and I would LOVE for you to join me in game!!


Naturally, after everything leading up to this moment, I do think Splinterlands and Soulkeep are some of the BEST web3 games out there!

They bring the #play2earn feature to the forefront of development as well as many opportunities for people to earn rewards - whether Player or Investor!!

If you're interested in the future of gaming, it's worth checking out!

You can sign up here: Splinterlands

Just like my other posts, I have set the Rewards here to payout 50/50 with 50% being Powered Up Hive and the other 50% being $HBD... which I am going to use to purchase more Splinterlands Assets - cards/lands/$SPS and others!!

Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

Until Next Time.png

#Splinterlands #Land #Hive #play2earn #web3 #NFTGaming #Rebellion #Conflicts


This world is quite heavy on my aching back:


Please let me win next time


lol I'll see what I can do

Yeah, yeah @clayboyn @lincemarrom - y'all got me this time but we took the Gold... and the whopping .8 SPS Difference and ONE Crown...

How the heck is 1st & 2nd so close in Rewards?