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RE: ADSactly Analysis - Why Do People Get So Excited About Apocalyptic Scenarios?

in #apocalypse7 years ago

You got pillaging but missed out killing libtards. I'm not joking, I see too many people who would love nothing more than to do that - or so they say. And there's exerting violence to spread their DNA by brute force. Just imagine uninhibited males building their flock of dependant subservient females. Depressing yes, but IMO realistic - if they can get away with it they will. Right now many of those psychos are safely ensconced in high paying business jobs getting their power kicks that way. Without business and society I'm sure they would resort to tribalism and all the trappings.

A funny thing is under real survival situations many of these preppers fail miserably. Just watch a few episodes of "Alone" and you see what I mean.