A Politically Correct Song

Happy New Year, everyone.

-------------- Please read --------------

Several people were involved in creating this song. If you have a bone to pick with someone, please feel free to vent at me, as I am the commissioner.

Every verse can be viewed as an individual statement made by different people with different opinions. All they have in common is that everyone is being censored.

Composer / Vocals: Todor
Video editing / Graphics: Nikolai
Director / Lyrics /Commercial rights: Saria D.

-------------- Links --------------

https://saria-delaney.com https://twitter.com/SariaDelaney https://minds.com/SariaDelaney https://gab.ai/SariaDelaney https://pew.tube/user/SariaDelaney https://youtube.com/channel/UCO_4c7pfFlCDwrS_tPDbKPQ

▶️ DTube

"And someone shouted" -- screen goes black

Auch hier Daumen hoch - welche DAW benutzt du für deine Musik ? Ich selbst mache alles über Cubase. Weiter so !! Kannst ja mal bei mir reinhorchen, mache auch Mukke.

Beste Grüße


Ich muss dringend häufiger hier reinschauen. Vielen Dank und das werde ich tun. =)

Liebe Grüße,