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RE: Steem Gamblers Association: An Epic Apology

in #apology6 years ago

Their reaction was pathetic and so are their odds. Cupz takes 1%, epic dice takes 2% of ones bets in the long run. They turned a neutral rating into a warning, you may be downvoted and insulted if you challenge their supreme authority over a non-existent brand and a dodgy business run by anonymous criminals.
I'll gamble where I'm surrounded by nice people thank you very much.

Posted using Partiko Android


IS the place I'm assuming he wants me to spend my money?Even a dodgy business run by anonymous criminals is going to lose "customers" if they continue to show everyone they are dicks too. @blockheadsei may be anonymous but @EpicDice is not. That

You see where I'm going here right?

Vote with your wallet.