Public apology to @lextenebris

in #apology6 years ago (edited)

In our recent conversation I took your valid criticisms personally and I want to apologize for that. I was not ready to receive criticism on the project in question and I reacted badly. I attacked your character and that is not acceptable, I am sorry for that.

I have always tried to treat people with respect and listen to whatever they have to say here no matter how they say it, and I have been able to hold myself to a high standard of that in the last years here. But recently my standard has been dropping and our conversation was the worst case of that.

I hope you can accept my mea culpa and know that I valued your words highly when I put myself in the correct frame of mind to read them.

EDIT: I should have used Decline Rewards. To correct this I will burn STEEM to the value of the post at payout.


The fact that you are able to recognize you have done wrong and offer your apologies is amazing, we all make mistakes and that is human nature but is from a kind soul to accept when you have done wrong.