2-Months passed
Not really sure how to put this, but i guess time to buckle my belt and start walking. Happy valentines day @hetty-rowan, sorry for waiting a eternity for this. I had a lot in my mind and decided to just take a break for a while.
Lets just start with the most important part
Lets just start with the most important part
I'm very very sorry to hetty-rowan and the doggo's in shepherd stories!!!

All the original doggo images are from hetty-rowan. Though I'm not sure which post they originated. I just obtained through her via discord
After reflecting on what happened for the past few months, i have no excuses and would simply put it. Ask for forgiveness from you, i know i caused so much trouble, wasting everyone's time. Now i have to make amends with the only way i know online. Drawing!
This is a weak apology, sorry! I'm not really that socially active or good at writing, heck i have a lot of spelling or grammatical errors whenever i write stories, much more for post. The most i can do is just draw for people, i hope you find the digital art of a amateur 17-yrs old cute.
Lets start with the cover art

No worries im *not going to do the *step *by *step *process, i don't want to make this post too long.
UwU, its Taku *(Chibi version of takuri) and Rowan
While i was making this, noticing the name @hetty-rowan as the profile. Was Rowan the OG doggo? Oooof thinking back i basically tried to report a dead dog. Rest in Peace Rowan.
Aghh, grrrrr. I felt as if doing only one drawing would be cheap.
So yeah. Here's the Image No.1 that i was going to use for the upcoming christmas stuff. But i was convinced by my friends to just chillax and enjoy christmas for the rest of the month.
Sorry for delaying and teasing you about it. But here goes.

Thee christmas profile pic i showed you. No worries i didn't do any bdsm for this one. *yet
Phaaa, sorry for ghosting you. Asides from school and im not that really fast at drawing, usually it would take me 8-hrs spread around a couple days to finish a single character. Especially if its not my OC. huhuhu.
.This isn't much but @derangedvisions suggested that i set you as beneficiary. I was going to deny rewards originally because i don't want to make money off apology post/video's of which are prevalent in youtube.
I wasn't sure at first whether i should make a 3rd drawing, after Christmas came and went. Creating another piece to compensate for the delay is fair.
For the third piece, to make it more special i based it off the 3-doggo's that i need to make amends as well.
But before we go ahead with the step by step detail for this drawing, i need to clarify 1st if i got the dogs correctly.
I think i got the dogs right? Hhahah im really bad at telling dogs apart, from my experience their patterns change when they grow and mature. Grrrrr
Initially i was thinking of putting the 3-doggo's in costume. But nah, after reading up some info about the doggo and getting a sense of the theme of each doggo. I decided to create a digital version of each one in humanoid form.

Skipper (Left) : The calm and chill
Lana (Center) : Bossy and aggressive
Myla (Rightt) : The sexy one
Don't worry these are just stereotypes i decided on after reading about them in @shepherd-stories. UwU these doggo's age fast, gotta make them look cute regardless. *Beware of traps!

Starting with Skipper, Pink for calm and yellow green for chill.
Not really sure what to do with the others, but as i kept on drawing. After testing it out with a sketch layer, trying out which combinations match and harmonize with each other.
After doing nothing for a few days, just going with my life. It hit me like a flash of inspiration, then i had it.
For Lana, Instead of going dark-gray hair. Purple gave me more room to blend with other colors, especially for green and the colors that compliments Myla's theme.
Didn't go for dark and gray, because after reading for a bit. I found out that Lana and Myla had a relationship. Though i have no evidence to prove it.
Green for soldier and the rest resembles the unique personality that lana has.
Now for Myla, Ohh Myla. Watch her please! This doggo is out of control, as such i gave her the sexy weirdo theme. Bonus heart because its valentine. Huhuhuhu.
So yeah that's about it, Here is a gallery of the full images if you want to download them. I also have the Krita files, if you want to customize them or anything else. Just contact me.
Oh yeah i created another version, i wasn't sure which is better.
Crisp dark outline or mellow cuts
Here ya go.
*Ehhhh, this piece took me about half a month. Damn drawing 3-characters took longer than expected.
Hope you enjoy it!