5 months ago I was invited to a goverment event to talk about my experiencie with ...

in #appics5 years ago

... crypto as a entrepreneur. The goverment today passed the law for companies to start hiring people and work from home, that is is a huge step for the digital era that we are living nowadays. I still don't know what is the future with the use of cryptocurrencies in Panama.

Hace 5 meses fui invitado a un evento gubernamental para hablar sobre mi experiencia con crypto como emprendedor. El gobierno aprobó hoy la ley para que las empresas comiencen a contratar personas y trabajen desde casa, es un gran paso para la era digital que vivimos hoy en día. Todavía no sé cuál es el futuro con el uso de criptomonedas en Panamá. 🤩💻📱


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Amazing! 🙌

This is awesome! Hopefully your talks went well, crypto is not something governments are to keen on but I think it will be much different fot the future generations.