Will this be the Instagram Killer?

in #appics7 years ago

Instagram we all know and many of use it. Were all pretty much frustrated with it too between the messed up algorithm and the apps limitations its enough these days to make you want to pull your hair out. There is however a new alternative on the way. You may or may not have already heard about it but its something im very excited for. Its a new app called APPICS and I personally think its a game changer and an Instagram killer.


Image from the appics blogs and website.

Appics is a new social media platform that will run on the Steemit SMT blockchain and will be the first to do so. They are already in the testing phase and hopefully will roll out the full app to everyone by Q4 of 2018/Q1 of 2019. For those of you like myself who are already aware of this new platform and cant wait to get our hands on it well we must wait but you know what they say good things take time. I have no doubts that this new platform will be amazing once it goes live for all of us.

2018-08-11 21.32.58.jpg

Image from the appics blogs and website.

Two questions that people seem to ask a lot about this new platform are

Will APPICS have its own cryptocurrency?
The answer is Yes. APPICS will have its own cryptocurrency called XAP which has a starting value of 0.15

Will APPICS posts automatically be posted on my Steemit page?

Once the SMT comes out (which Has been announced as Q1 2019, no. APPICS will be independent from the Steem Blockchain.

If any of you are as excited as I am for this new platform and the evolution of Steemit and the blockchain network then definitely check out their website and their steemit page for more information.


Image from the appics blogs and website.




Image from the appics blogs and website.

Until then well just have to wait and keep making content. Full Steem ahead... (I'll let myself out now...)


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Very doubtful

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