Have you seen Parasite ?? It's managed to gain many awards and it really did get ...

in #appics5 years ago

... me curious as to what on earth is this movie about. Thankfully, it was on AstroGo and decided to give it a go. At first I was thinking it was some weird Korean horror movie.. Since Korean movies are just so good with that.. Remember The Ring ??

Well... Its surely not one of those type of movie. Its one of those movie which really place you in a series of emotional state. The entire storyline was just paced out perfectly and by the end of it, I just had to give it a huge thumbs up. If you've not seen it... You Must watch it !

Here is the trailer


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I will watch it .thank you

watch parasite in 1080p LINK/URL ➡ https://t.co/W9y4r8C6Ma