Message me about joining the only virtual real estate company there is and earn a ...

in #appics5 years ago

... fantastic amount of tokens to buy virtual real estate that can be sold for ETH then converted to fiat money
Join me here.

And for a few minutes each day you can earn thousands of SPH tokens each month.

It's a promoting community and also a Virtual Real Estate Private Company and @ImmanuelN is the Owner and Founder of this company. We are second party and It's approved and recognized by SPHEROID UNIVERSE.

We promote Spheroid Universe through social medias nowadays and we find the best enthusiasts and they get SPH tokens every month in thousands.

🌍🌎🌏 By side we build network all around the world and our future motto is to establish VIRTUAL REAL ESTATE OFFICES in all countries with monthly pay in Non fungible assets. 💰💰

This is for sending SPH TOKENS in your account after your performance everymonth for doing one minute tasks everyday. If you will do it in Facebook and Instagram then you will receive 3000 SPH tokens per month as basic pay and surely there will be bonuses which are three times more than the basic pay.

Many of our Bees are getting SPH tokens in Thousands every month.


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