Today a poke bowl and I loved it:)! simply sushi rice + sliced avocados + sliced ...

in #appics5 years ago

... salmon from Norway 🇳🇴 + marinated ginger from Japan and a bit of home done chili purée .... wow stunning how good it was :)! It’s a high recommendation for people want to be fit in their body and soul ...!


Powered by APPICS - visit us at!%20simply%20sushi%20rice%20+%20sliced%20avocados%20+%20sliced%20salmon%20from%20Norway%20%F0%9F%87%B3%F0%9F%87%B4%20+%20marinated%20ginger%20from%20Japan%20and%20a%20bit%20of%20home%20done%20chili%20pur%C3%A9e%20....%20wow%20stunning%20how%20good%20it%20was%20:)!%20It%E2%80%99s%20a%20high%20recommendation%20for%20people%20want%20to%20be%20fit%20in%20their%20body%20and%20soul%20...!&category=food&hashtags=pokebowl+homemade+activfit+fitfood&author=celestin25&profileImageUrl=!%20simply%20sushi%20rice%20+%20sliced%20avocados%20+%20sliced%20salmon%20from%20Norway%20%F0%9F%87%B3%F0%9F%87%B4%20+%20marinated%20ginger%20from%20Japan%20and%20a%20bit%20of%20home%20done%20chili%20pur%C3%A9e%20....%20wow%20stunning%20how%20good%20it%20was%20:)!%20It%E2%80%99s%20a%20high%20recommendation%20for%20people%20want%20to%20be%20fit%20in%20their%20body%20and%20soul%20...!&category=food&hashtags=pokebowl+homemade+activfit+fitfood&author=celestin25&profileImageUrl=


I want also 😓

It was so delicious but was to small for my belly size 😋😋😋

Non processed food at it’s finest. I do not like raw fish that much but this looks yummy.

Looks fantastic. Fresh &colorful 😃 Happy weekend

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Looks beautiful

Thanks man ✨🙏🏿