
It's looking powerful monument to seeing on the portugal

Thank you.. :-) is so cool.

Love the color saturation on this shot. Makes it look so vivid! And That car, LOL!!! Awesome shot...just beautifully timed.

Thanks Bro, it really is amazing. I love it too.

que buenas fotos y que buen tema sigue así tienes todo mi apoyo :)

Muchas Gracias Jose. 👍🏼💪🏼

Disculpen, no puse mis comentarios en español.

Antes de trabajar el blog de mi viaje, alguien me puede decir si esta foto que comparti parece una pintura al Oleo. WOW

Esa foto parece una postal!! In love with Portugal

Last pic.sorry for hear that..thanks for nice pics.

Thanks man 🙌🏼

I think it would be better if the pics was more clearer..

🤔 What exactly are you talking? APPICS quality or the smartphone quality?

Surprised to see a cool vespa car :p

YES, that was the one who took my 100% attention.

That place looks beautiful!

it is, very nice place to appreciate their history.