Besides going for small walks and food this is probably Trevors third favorite a ...

in #appics6 years ago

... ctivity. Napping. At over 13 years old I guess he earned it. I’m happy to write he’s still doing well. It’s hard to believe sometimes how the pain medication he’s on has changed him for the better and how well he can move again. I’m very grateful for it. It gave him a second try at being old :)


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Trevor looks very chill in this shot.

My dogs can go from nap to walk in 0.2 seconds. Then from walk to nap in roughly the same. They are only 7 and 8 though.

He's chill most of the time. Getting up from sleep to walk takes a little longer than yours though!

That is pretty awesome that he is doing well. Seems a lot like my dog she can nap in the weirdest places. I don't know how I would be able to function if I contorted myself in some of those positions to nap. Very cute!

That is great news!!!
Which medication does he get? Onsior?
Our Snoop - we picked him up when he was 7.5 years old - also had a better life thanks to medication.
But sadly also the medication did not work anymore last summer and we had to let him go over the rainbow bridge.
He was such a taff boy. We still think about him every day and I'm already having tears in my eyes again while writing about him.
I hope Trevor will have some more nice years together with you.

This picture was taken some hours before he had to leave us. His last walk outside with us.

last walk2.jpg

I am not sure what they gave him if I'm honest. It's called Tramador. It works for him, he's 13 years old...I'm happy.

I'm sorry about your dog, that's always a tough moment. Been through it a couple of times. Your dog looks beautiful.

Wow, Tramador is heavy. But if it helps all should be happy :)

Wonderful that Trever is so much better because of the pain medication. I am so glad. He is such a lovely dog.
I can fully understand that you are grateful, I am too!

I like how you call it an "activity", considering that, I know a lot of persons that are super "active"!!

Yeah I'm happy Trevor is doing well. 😁

If the house friend is happy the family is happy. 😇

Posted using Partiko Android

I'am so happy to hear Trevor is doing well and enjoying more of life with he's medication.


They say dogs act like their bosses... or was it the other way around? ;-)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Trevor enjoying it

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