... United States of America. Since the declaration of independence on 7/4/1776, 88,888 days have passed until today. This is special, as the USA was founded on repdigits of the number eight.
The year 1776 is 888+888.
And the founding day and month, July fourth, create a 74. Well, 74 days are 1776 hours and hence also 888+888.
We also saw the 888th month of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the end of WWII earlier this year, in September. And San Francisco also turned 88,888 days old this year, on August 11th, which is 8x11=88 - the same day when Jupiter stopped his retrograde movement.
If that all wouldn't be enough, Jupiter, the King of Kings and the largest planet in the solar system, a slow moving planet that needs 12 years to circle the ecliptic, is now at 266° - the Golden Gate (factually the Golden Gate has now progressed into 267°, where Jupiter will enter on 11/19/19).
How interesting! Let’s see if there are any significant news from the US on their 88,888 day
Well done really interesting 🤔