Thanks for the spelling error pickup ! Wapiti is quite a common name up here in Canada. 'Elk' in Europe and Asia refers to a moose, so I prefer to use the term Wapiti as it is less ambiguous than Elk.
That said in NZ they are also called Wapiti and were introduced between 1870 and the 1920s (10 even were a gift from the American President Theodore Roosevelt) and over the years have cross bread with European Red Deer which was also released there. As a result in Australia (which is where I am from) Wapiti actually means Wapiti from NZ stock (that is often farmed in Australia) and we then use the term "Canadian Elk" to refer to the farmed Wapiti/Elk that has come from North American stock .
We always liked the name Wapiti, our horse looked like an Elk...
Yep it has a nice ring to it.