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RE: The Pleasure of doing nothing.

in #appics5 years ago (edited)

Hey love!

I think it’s comical that you saw I did work for the small miracles foundation - a non profit that raises money for sick children (Information that I shared on Steem), and you think by looking up the founders of said foundation on google now gives you a way to “scare” me or pretend you have something on me. They don’t even live in the same state as me, numb nuts. You really suck at these detective skills of yours ...

I live in the Sierra mountains .. feel free to come for a visit, I bet you are way less dickish in person.

Only sick one here is you my dear.

How is Ava? Still using her to get attention for yourself? How about Grandma.. does she approve?

Nice try with the Palestine thing to make this one sound like that other dick though! 😉

I’m not scared of you and don’t care if people like me.. that can be a pretty scary combination for someone trying to do what you are doing.

Have a great weekend..


Oh wait.. you think they are my parents? Lol.. ummm I’ve never met them. Joan is the grandmother of Lauren, the girl who died of leukemia and the foundation was named after. They started it to help children like her. her father, is a close friend of my family... try again .. maybe eventually you will get something right.

Glad you guys laugh, you need some joy in your life. Perhaps then you won’t use your poor kid anymore.

I kind of feel sorry for you. If you are ever in town feel free to stop by, we can have some coffee and chat.. I’ll even let you play with my goats! You like goats right??


Goats are great...

Nothing more to add about a foundation that helps children fighting leukemia? No? Ok.. have a good weekend and I wish you luck in finding peace in that ugly heart of yours. ✌🏼

Good comeback.

Weird to hate Palestine though considering my family is middle eastern... 🤔

Wanna have one last try? I mean.. you gotta get one thing right.. eventually... the odds are in your favor!!