Rest In Peace Peter Mayhew / Chewbacca... May The 4th Be With You...πŸ™

in #appics β€’ 6 years ago (edited)


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Remembering Peter Mayhew / Chewbacca ( Who Passed Away This Thursday May 2, 2019. At 74 yrs.Old ) On Star Wars Day, Check out the awesome link:

Know as The Gentle Giant at 7 foot 3", May The 4th Be With You Peter Mayhew, Rest in Peace...


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I Knooooooow! Frank told me yesterday when he saw it on Facebook. I would not have known otherwise. I try to limit my social media time to just a couple times a week, unless I'm doing a campaign or something.

It's such a shame. Rrrooowooowrrwrwrw. Is how the Wookie language tends to be written. I hope what I wrote conveys a sob. πŸ€”
He was a great Chewbacca. Whoever replaces him has big paws to fill.

Posted using Partiko Android

May The 4th Be With You!
Awwwwwe, thanks for such a kind reply, yes for sure Big Paws to fill indeed! He was known as a gentle giant and loved by all. Great job on the Wookie Language Lol , @binkyprod !πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Thank you...πŸ™‹β€πŸ™