... happy arch in the sky. To me these 7 colors symbolize freedom, equality and diversity. I love June
because it marks Pride Month all over the world, and while traveling from Hungary to Croatia this week, had the chance to watch 5B,a film that documents
the real, raw lives of AIDS victims in Ward 5B of San
Francisco General Hospital when the outbreak first
started in the early 80s. Nobody knew what to do in
the beginning. How do you help a group of people
who were suddenly dying aftera few weeks of being
sick? As a nurse, would you be scared for your own
life while treating patients? These unsung heroes did
itanyway, almost always without the protection of
safety suits or gloves because they knew the
importance of human contact was massive for this alienated group. Many people died, but these nurses made a difference in how they died. Powerful
moments came on screen, but my favorite quote of
all from one of the (caregivers): "So much in life is not what you say or what you do. It's how you make
people feel. And that's the bottom line." So much YES
always steps up with lifesaving meds, a hopeful
vaccine to eradicate HIV altogether, and even
commissioning this film to give voice to the courageous nurses who made real change happen in
the fight against HIV. Highly encourage everyone to watch this June!
to this While we have a ways to go, I love that @jnj
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