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RE: The most successful people follow passion not paychecks 💫 Money was never really ...

in #appics5 years ago (edited)

Everything is a competition (but thank you) and for sure in the crypto currency space... I don't know how fare LASSECASH will go, but I did my best to create a space without the corrupted bullies of STEEMIT.... anyway I first saw your comment now... sorry for the late response... btw you know earth is flat right?

and that HEX is amazing crypto product, probably the best till date:

Informative video on HEX:

And entertaining video on HEX:

Sorry I dont get APPICs, I know its your heart blood, but I see the rewards of STEEM on the APPICS site when I look at your post and I I dont like to download an APPICS APP and give it my keys, seem like a bad solution sorry to say it... I could be wrong... I liked your inicial presentation and idea, but I just think the Steem Engine tribes was a better execution... not to mention all the money I assume people has invested in APPICS... and then the Tribes are just there now... like anyway wish you good luck with APPICS anyway... I think you are a cool young team.. just remember if you see something better move fast, crypto is like that very fast changing/developing...

bla bla bla...

keep it up... am in love with your eyes young lady:)