Faith is the Bird that feels the Light when the Dawn is still dark by Rabindranath Tagore

in #appics6 years ago (edited)

... #dailyinspiration

I tell myself every morning during my meditations that I need to believe in faith that justice will manifest, hopefully sooner than later.

I do not search for revenge but I can’t wait to see this one really bad and greedy family member fall infront of my eyes because I even would help to get up again. I hope I will find the strength to do so.

An apology is never too late!

There are so many apologies I am still waiting for. I do not demand them but meanwhile I will make sure to see the deep blue beauty looking up to the universe and will not allow anybody to paint “my” sky grey ever, not one more time.

Buddha said:

The way is not in the sky
The way is in the heart

The moment when trust in the “inner circle” is broken, it is hard to trust anybody fully. All my relationships suffered from this issue.

I really tried so hard throughout my entire life to open up my heart on and on and on and will not give up yet to be proven different that good people exist and trust restored.....💜

I teach myself to have faith and patience. I also accept my lessons through too many challenges but at least I can say that I do live life to the fullest.


Don’t leave me here by Coldsteeze


I totally understand you here. It is okay to forgive but it is a different ball game to trust that person again. To err is human, to forgive is divine but when the eraser is going out before the pencil is done, then it shows that person is overdoing it a little. Forgive yes, but guard your heart. You must not be bitten twice!

I always love and enjoy your wise comments but hey I got bitten more than twice 😳🤪

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Thank you so much, Mamma. I always enjoy reading your posts.

I am really sorry about that, Mamma. You have such an amazing heart, no doubt.

How sweet to read such reminder how my heart looks like 😝😜

My articles used to be so much more profound but now very short.
Don’t be sorry!
It’s all about our challenges we all have in our lives

I admire your strength. It is not in the length of the post but in the strength of the words. I love your posts either way Mamma, because they are full of knowledge and insight.

Woahhhh! That’s my mission to become a true motivator and even influencer for our younger generations. It’s our duty and responsibility to teach in telling our stories, especially on the blockchain where nobody can erase our words and truth spoken

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I just love the way you think and view things. Many people want to leave a better world for the younger ones and I say it is better to leave better children for the world because with better children, they can recreate the world we want. You saw that afar off, which is why you want to impact the younger ones.

You are amazing.

Hello Mammasitta,

Beautiful quote from the Buddha - Have a wonderful day :D

One of my “Guru’s” 😉🥰🙏 simple but powerful words. You are so kind for your resteem

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Hermosas palabras @mammasitta de verdad que cuando se termina la confianza se acaba todo y es muy díficil volver a confiar en quien nos ha decepcionado, pero no podemos juzgar a todo el mundo por las acciones de otras personas.

Hmmmm! I wish I could understand but I try google translation

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Beautiful words @mammasitta really that when the trust is over everything is over and it is very difficult to trust again who has disappointed us, but we can not judge everyone by the actions of other people

Such beautiful thoughts here! Grazias!
My whole life I am a mess when it comes to trust but that’s why I wrote about this reminder of having faith

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Look into the future. Forgive and forget. One day nature, when you least expect it, will grant you a wish.

I got many wishes and one by one I fulfill them 😝 and yes, when you least expect it the miracles always enfold ....indeed!

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Einige waren in ihrer Vergangenheit grausam verletzt, daher haben sie große Schwierigkeiten, anderen zu vertrauen, aber es gibt immer noch gute Leute, und Vertrauen kann gewonnen werden,
Wenn ich dieses Thema gut verstanden habe!

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Es ist erlobenswert für jeden der Shit hinter sich hat überhaupt gute Menschen erkennen kann. Es hat bei mir Einiges gedauert aber jetzt kenne ich mich aus 😳🥰

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That's why we have to be focus on everything..mama..semangat ya. Salam

Focus on forgiveness/ maafkan but never forgotten ....too much hurt for too many years and nothing changed about this horrific person with the same blood. Sedi sekali saya.

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I got it Mama..but the sun is still shine tomorrow. All the best for you.

True true ⭐️ and yang bintang as well 🙏

its our sky let it be limitless : )

What a beautiful word : LIMITLESS

It will be unlimited again !

idk why your video doesn't work for me here - I googled and found it:

Hmmm....keine Ahnung Otto. Bin mir nicht sicher ob es dein taste ist. Ich gebe halt immer einen Song zu meinen kurzen @appics posts dazu. Ich danke Dir vielmals for your re-steem:)

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Taste: ich bin da schon an ziemliches gewöhnt. Mein älterer Sohn ist in einer Heavy Metal Band
Wormbox hat aber seit 10 Jahren nichts mehr aufgenommen. Er hat mich aber erst kürzlich gefragt ob er eines meiner Bilder für ein neues Album verwenden darf.

Cool! Sehen wir uns zum meet up?

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ja, ich hoffe Du kommst diesmal - ich komme mit Siamcat.

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