Ever Heard Of Story-Driven Community Engagement? While it has been common practice ...

in #appics5 years ago (edited)

... in Marketing to engage in Q&A content to establish authority and drive traffic to your website, one minor detail is often overlooked; Telling an appealing story!

Humans are story-driven and can remember stories better than some random facts about your product.

So what should you do?

  • Go to places like Reddit, Twitter, or a forum and look out for people having a specific issue that could be resolved by your ‪#App‬.

  • Think about a story or anecdote you could write as a response that relates to the person having an issue and solving it with your product. For example, there might be a user who is having problems finding an App that protects his privacy.

  • Reply with a personal story on why privacy is a particular concern for you — ultimately leading you to develop this App that takes great pride in its security measures because of this.

  • Don't forget to include an about the author section with a link to your website.

If you have done this right, each reply should earn you more impressions, engagement, and awareness.


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