... ~2048๐๐
Estimated Total Active user ~605๐๐
Average Post Per Day ~512๐๐
The chart showing top contributor to Appics Community .
1st User :the66squirrel,Total post:22
2nd User:baeksansu,Total post:21
3rd User:monsterenergy,Total post:21
Accuracy of this analysis 99%.
Next time i will try to do analysis with 7 days data.This is actually an experimental work but i have done it successfully.
As most will agree, quantity often does not mean quality. If an old hog like me would start posting his selfies twice a day, or a different sleeping poses of his cat (dog) - does this would bring much value to the system?
This is a rhetoric question. And we all have our own answers to that, right?
Great, useful analysis @masudrana, thank you for that.
Sure "quantity does often does not mean quality" .The purpose of this analysis is not only to chack the amount of quantities we can detect too if there is any milking the system to take profit from Appics,here i want to mention that you check @monsterenergy account, Don't know why people upvote on his post ,is his post quality deserve those? You will get answer.
You ask "WHY?"

who is #15 on APX top rich-list with his 364815 APX
People vote in hope that maybe APX rich accounts will vote back. But some of them NEVER do this.
Site steemworld.org has many obviuos fact available, which explains many.
It shows that not only TOP-5 voters on monsterenergy are always the same 5 ppl, always with 100%.
Shows that he has done in return 77 upvotes in 7 days, 45.5% Self, and ONLY on 2 other selected accounts besides himself (guess who they were) :)
Nobody can answer this better than himself, or his satellite acct owner (himself?) @jejusamdasoo,
The #15 spot owner is even more colorfull: same 77 votes on only 3 accounts, all with 100% power of 364K APX.

And NEVER even one single 1% vote on anybodey else.
Just an absolutelly PURE selfish. PURE Greed.
Who cares? ๐ They have power ๐
As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!
This is a very good analysis! Thanks for taking the effort buddy..
Thanks for words