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RE: APPICS Pre-launch! Testing the Beta App With My Cat Wix!

in #appics7 years ago

I'm so excited about this!!!!! go @appics !!!! i will wait for the IOS app to be ready...but then i'm all OVER IT!!!! just wish i had gotten in on the ICO. ;) cheers to YA'LL!!! the timing is so great for this release. SMTs around the corner....the hardfork...which will allow for easier sign ups...and people to start using smt's like appics seamlessly! bring on the masses!!! i love the Dapps that are developing rapidly. in @exyle 's last vlog he mentioned the steemit/steem blockchain we know today....will soon be a thing of the past. all of us off in our hivemind areas....sharing away. people may have no awareness...they are using the steem blockchain...when using apps like appics. my favorite way to steepshot...and will soon be appics as well. not much of a but i can spit a few words out now and then lol. steemit was a great beginning.....but bring ON THE NEW SHIZZY!!!!!!!!! time for me to upload to dtube and dlive too. it's ON! "the future....the way of the... future!" -howard hughs


yes!! your passion as usual!! is on point and so invigorating. all that you say is so good! it's time!!

the steemit/steem blockchain we know today....will soon be a thing of the past.

this is so important to keep at the forefront of our minds. things are going to be changing drastically... and quite soon! yessss the new shizzy :D hey, you may get a big ol dtube vote ;) your stuff is so inspiring and what more humans need to see <3 <3 <3 thanks for this wisdom rich comment!

awwww...thank you both...soooo much for all your support....encouragement...and inspiration! i'll upload a dtube video shortly. i was out harvesting just decided to capture it for @dtube ! so much more to COME! yeeeehawww!

!!! yeah! almonds!!!!! can't wait to see that vid :)

also-- how do you like steep shot app? do you use it on an iphone? i haven't even looked into it, i've been so excited about appics! is steep shot like instagram too?

i absolutely LOVE...the steepshot app!!!!!! yes, i use it on my iphone. it had bugs at first...and was limited to one photo..but now you can upload 7 at a time. more like instagram than ever. total mimic...and the app works flawlessly. 15percent beneficiary rewards to them. but...i like helping build that community too. lots of different people find my content there vs. steemit alone. as a newer user of the steem blockchain and steemit specifically.. i felt the vibe that i should only be posting blog posts...and if it's a steepshot's even frowned upon...because of the one photo...and many people don't put much effort into the post. but...when steepshot added 7 photos....and the ability to write quite a bit of content with the post...i was super keep using it. @exyle helped me feel comfortable to keep using it too.

YOU BOTH...have kept me feeling excited to post too! so thank you from my heart! you have truly kept the curation...the love...and the encouragement...coming our way!!!!! keep the @appics posts coming please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<3 <3 <3 thank you bright soul! and thanks for the review on steepshot-- i had no idea! i will have to check it out! <3