
Retro like Marilyn. I like it.

That's a great natural life style.
I appreciate your content.
Upvote done

@soldier Very nice content. I like your natural lifestyle. Thank you so much for giving us such nice content.

Yes, you are right, WE always should add value to others life by helping them, where they need our help, you will feel the happiness you have never felt before.

Very touching and very inspiring.

@soldier this really awesome.

Nice words as giving hand are more beautiful than receiving. It a great quote that make us a better person that gives hapiness to other persons.


This is true about the bigger tasks in life, and it can lead to a feeling of not even ... Zig Ziglar on the Greatness of Starting ... “Even if you fall on your face you're still moving forward.

Highly rEsteemed!

You are absolutely right. Greatness comes from great work and contribution

I believe on first give then take.I totally agree with you.this is a fact of life we got every time what we give to others.

Well said my dear.
Greatness is what you give.
Nice picture though.

Appics will be the next blockchain instagram.

Now a days i am seeing you everywhere @soldier even in my dreams too,Thanks a lot @appics hope this app will be a great success.

Hey @soldier how are you appics team is doing a great job,hope it will be a huge project this year.

Amazing quote soldier,its very difficult to see you in steemit,but i am happy atleast today you came for me.

Hey great quote @soldier love you a lot dear.

Wonderful quote dear as i already register with appics,waiting for the launch.

Your quotes are really amazing,motivatinol and inspiring.

Life is all about sharing and caring and giving back to all :)

Indeed tis always better to give than to receive.

I remember when I was at college a friend who I barely new at the time was complaining about not having enough money to go out, she was not moaning to me, just in general, but I gave her my money on the principle she needed it more than I did and what was I going to do with it. She was shocked and confused but I insisted it was ok. That evening she went out and had a great time and the next day came up and told me that was just so needed and she was most thankful. Our friendship lasted many years.

Bottom line is, you will never feel guilty for being generous but you should always feel guilty for being selfish.

Hello @soldier great quote love the way you always inspires us a lot.

Has APPICS launched yet?