Aye, meeting new people is an unsung joy really. I mean not meeting in terms of dealing with the public etc, though that can have some rewards. No, that chance encounter with someone you never conceivably could have met under any other circumstances but you bond like it was always meant to be.
This happened to me on a flight to see a friend in a country I had never been to, when the person sitting next to me was just friendly like me. Circumstances conspired and our connecting flight was delayed by about an hour. They needed to phone ahead but had no credit left on their phone for the internet, so I offered to let them use my phone as a hotspot so the could send a message on over the internet to let their friends know what was going on and how late we were going to be.
I was happy to help and so I was grateful when they then helped me through customs at the other end and stayed with me while I sorted out my luggage and met my friend who was waiting for me.
Of course we exchanged numbers and now we talk every so often since. I feel very lucky and so it is such chance encounters that really can be special.
So remember, a stranger is a friend you have just not met yet.