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RE: My Thoughts on the New Apple iMac Pro

in #apple8 years ago

Your insights in to this are similar to my own @thecryptofiend. I'm also an unapologetic Apple fanboy, and I did what fanboy's do when this was announced during WWDC. For the most part, this is a stop-gap attempt to not be abandoned my the pro market. Phil Schiller had that apology meeting with 5 tech journalists to admit that they made a bad call with the trash can Mac Pro. I think this is meant to hold pro users over until the next Mac Pro is announced some time in 2018. For me, though, I've been at about 90% of my usual work flow on my iPad Pro. With the upcoming iOS 11 features and Affinity Photo [...which I'm reviewing now for a Steemit post], I think that last 10% will be filled. Nothing would make me happier than being able to bring an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil to the coffee shop and get ALL of my work done.


Interesting. I haven't tried the Ipad Pro yet. I think I will look into it. I'm assuming for more advanced retouching - frequency separation and so on you still need to use a laptop or desktop?

@thecryptofiend I do pretty involved editing and retouching in Photoshop on the desktop. The Adobe CC apps on iOS are awful [...I'm convinced they're intentionally withheld because the company is afraid they'll cannibalize their desktop apps of they make them TOO good]. In the first few days of testing, I can do everything on Affinity Photo for iPad, just with a step or two more. You really should look in to an iPad Pro. I love mine. Actually, selling my previous model on CraigsList this week and buying the new model next Friday when it's in the stores.

I have not come across Affinity Photo - I will need to have look.