不买Applecare+的理由 Why You Shouldn't Buy Apple Care+

in #applecare7 years ago (edited)

You do not need to give a fast devaluing commodity insurance, but you need to protect it.
For full explanation, please click the Chinese version https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/DRNPkzwRmUwYpzkz2y5qZg
Apple Care+ protect your cellphone for 2 years. After that, you need to protect it yourself. If you know how to do that ,why not start from the beginning?

很多国内外媒体,都认为买Apple Care +(下文简称AC)合适。尤其是对于维修费用昂贵的iPhoneX来说。他们是把买AC和买其他保险公司、或者去其他维修商维修相比较,得出买AC合适的结论。 出于理性消费,该文将AC与个人保护方案、以及购买新手机等方案 对比,认为买AC不合适,买AC不如文章末尾的个人保护方案,或者买新的手机。该文虽然以iPhoneX 为例,但推理也适用于平板,笔记本,手表等。
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