@appreciator is more focused on uplifting quality content on the Steem platform and in support of this endeavour, Top 5 posts will be selected daily to be featured here from manually curated posts.
The posts are selected on basis which deserve more recognition and are undervalued.
Food Fight Friday - Round 74 - 12.20.19 - 🧁 🥊 🥬 🥊 🥂
By: @foodfightfriday
The oven’s On 🔥 and ready to Cook these Contenders to a cRIsP❗️
친구와함께 다카오산 다녀왔습니다
By: @steemitjp
안녕하세요. 한국의 스티미언여러분^*^ 우물밖에서 넓은 세상을 보고자 노력하는 @steemitjp 청개구리입니다.
Roadstories en la Expo Navidad 2019
By: @roadstories
Siempre había querido asistir a un evento de este tipo, no específicamente el navideño, sino en general, ya que son oportunidades de ver cosas nuevas e innovadoras.
The Invasion of Crazies, Stars and Bunnies - Beautiful Sunday
By: @watersnake101
It is the holiday season and vacation starts now. As Christmas is almost here let me share with you a part of the celebration near our area here in the Philippines.
Christmas miracle, or Wonderful power of Internet
By: @zirochka
Do you know the feeling when you look forward to something, and you are excited, and then, the time goes by, and you still wait and get concerned... and finally, you give up.
Keep up the awesome work!
You can also keep up to date with latest developments and curation updates by following @appreciator.
Disclaimer: Appreciator is merely a support system for the Steem Community and does not directly endorse any of the viewpoints shared in the selected posts.
Thanks so much :)
You are welcome.