Hace 8 años conocí a una persona que simplemente cambiaría mi vida de una manera extraordinaria.
Eight years ago I met a person who would simply change my life in an extraordinary way.
Era un día normal, estaba en el colegio y era hora del receso, generalmente yo me quedaba dentro del salon escuchando musica, pero ese dia el salon lo dejaron cerrado, asi que me quede sentada en el piso del pasillo,vi que alguien se acercaba pero no preste mucha atencion, entonces la persona que se acercaba se sento a mi lado y me pregunto que estaba escuchando, yo me quite los audífonos y se los pase en señal de que tomara uno y escuchara conmigo, el se quedo conmigo todo ese rato escuchando musica y contadome que genero de musica le agradaba a el, al sonar el timbre nos levantamos del piso y nos dipusimos a volver a nuestras aulas, no sin antes decirme su nombre, un nombre que recordaría con mucho amor y felicidad el resto de mi vida, Sebastian.
It was a normal day, I was at school and it was time for recess, usually I stayed inside the room listening to music, but that day the room was closed, so I sat on the floor of the corridor, I saw someone approaching but did not pay much attention, then the person who was approaching sat next to me and asked me what I was listening to, I took off my headphones and gave them to him as a sign that he should take one and listen with me. He stayed with me all that time listening to music and telling me what kind of music he liked, when the bell rang we got up from the floor and started to go back to our classrooms, not before telling me his name, a name that I would remember with a lot of love and happiness for the rest of my life, Sebastian.
Cuando estabamos en el colegio nos veiamos de ves en cuando en los recesos o en la hora de salida, no hablabamos tanto, hasta que llegue a 5to año de bachillerato que me mude al mismo urbanismo donde el vivia, lo cual nos hizo vecinos, comenzamos a salir mas juntos y nos hicimos amigos, gracias a el conoci a mas personas, yo no era de salir mucho debido a que en donde vivia no habia gente joven con la que salir, pero Sebastian cambio eso por completo, saliamos todos los dias, cuando no era asi ibamos a su casa (sus otras amigas y yo) para ver peliculas o jugar con su xbox. El tenia una mejor amiga que era Nicole la cual era un poco loca y hacia a sebastian estresarse en exceso, mas sin embargo poco a poco yo fui la que tomo ese lugar. Sebastian y yo eramos nuestros confidentes, si teniamos un problema recurriamos al otro, nos llevavamos muy bien y nos entendiamos de maravilla, el siempre me trato como a su hermana menor, a quien regañaba si hacia algo que estaba mal y consentia a mas no poder.
When we were in school we would see each other from time to time at recess or at dismissal time, we didn't talk so much, until I reached the 5th year of high school that I moved to the same housing development where he lived, which made us neighbors, we started to hang out more together and became friends, Thanks to him I met more people, I was not to go out much because where I lived there were no young people to go out with, but Sebastian changed that completely, we went out every day, when it was not like that we went to his house (his other friends and I) to see movies or play with his xbox. He had a best friend who was Nicole who was a little crazy and made Sebastian over-stressed, yet I was the one who took that place. Sebastian and I were our confidants, if we had a problem we would go to the other one, we got along very well and understood each other very well, he always treated me like his little sister, who he scolded if I did something that was wrong and spoiled.
Al pasar los años vivimos mucha aventuras, el me mostró muchas cosas nuevas,teniamos un muy alto grado de confianza, yo cada vez que podía me quedaba a hacer pijamadas en su casa y el en la mía. con el fue muy fácil salir de problemas y afrontarlo, siempre estaba allí dándome su apoyo. Recuerdo la primera vez que me rompieron el corazón, Sebastian estuvo mas de un mes resiviendome en su casa con una taza de café y una cobija, yo a cambio le hacia galletas de mantequilla y pasábamos todo la tarde riéndonos de mi tristeza. Siempre teníamos planes los fines de semana mas sin embargo habían ocasiones que no nos querian llevar, en esos momentos sebastian me enseño como robar el carro de tus padres si querías salir, el empujaba el carro conmigo hasta la esquina de la calle y allí lo encendíamos para irnos. Me gustaba pasear en el carro con el, sentía que esos eran los mejores momentos de mi vida, me sentía libre, a su lado me sentia libre.
As the years went by, we lived many adventures, he showed me many new things, we had a very high degree of confidence, I stayed every time I could to make sleepovers at his house and at mine. With him it was very easy to get out of trouble and face it, he was always there giving me his support. I remember the first time I was brokenhearted, Sebastian spent over a month resting at his house with a cup of coffee and a blanket, I in turn made him butter cookies and we spent the whole afternoon laughing at my sadness. We always had plans on the weekends but there were times when they didn't want to take us, in those moments Sebastian showed me how to steal your parents' car if you wanted to go out, he would push the car with me to the street corner and there we would light it up to leave. I liked to ride in the car with him, I felt that these were the best moments of my life, I felt free, I felt free by his side.
Hace ya dos años que experimente uno de los dolores mas grandes que he sentido hasta ahora, por motivos personales Sebastian tuvo que irse a Argentina, cuando me entere de que se iba algo dentro de mi se rompió, llore todos los días hasta que se fue, sentía que me estaban quitando algo, estaba vacía por dentro, luego de que se fuera yo era otra, ya no me reía, no salia con absolutamente nadie, incluso habian dias en los que ni siquiera me levantaba de mi cama, mi hermano se habia ido dejandome sola.
Two years ago I experienced one of the greatest pains I have ever felt, for personal reasons Sebastian had to go to Argentina, when I found out that he was leaving something inside me broke, I cried every day until he left, I felt that something was being taken away from me, I was empty inside, after he left I was another one, I no longer laughed, I didn't go out with anyone, there were even days when I didn't even get out of bed, my brother had left me alone.
Ya hoy en dia esos dias tristes se fueron, aun lo extraño demasiado, pero hablamos todo el tiempo y la hermandad sigue siendo la misma, ambos estamos igual de pendientes de el otro, y bueno yo solo espero el dia en el que el vuelva para darle el abrazo mas largo y calido que tenga a mi hermano del alma.
Today those sad days are gone, I still miss him too much, but we talk all the time and the brotherhood is still the same, we are both equally concerned about each other, and well I just wait for the day when he returns to give him the longest and warmest hug he has for my soul brother.
Thanks for reading, we'll read about it in the next post!😄