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RE: Arcjet - A Decentralized Application Server Platform

in #apps7 years ago

"I will give you my prediction. Within 5 years, a distributed blockchain world brain will arise that will bury Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube." - Robert David Steele, Sep 2 2017

Where Steele is wrong is that the distributed world brain won't be built on blockchain. I'm sure it will include blockchain as a technology. But, as @cryptoquick correctly points out, you can't use blockchain as the basis for an application deployment platform, because storing data on blockchain is too expensive.

Arcjet is a proposal for a central and fundamental component of a decentralized world brain. It's an application deployment platform. I think it's a brilliant idea. Good thinking @crytoquick!


Of course! And don't misunderstand, this is still using a blockchain, just to manage payments and record proof that transactions have taken place. That's using a tool for what it's made for. The major reason storing bulk application data on the blockchain is too expensive is because the blockchain is immutable. If someone doesn't pay their bill, there's no way to prune their data from the network. It will always be there. I intend to implement a rolling backup strategy to help prevent and inspect tampering, but I don't intend there to be a "forever-store". Thats simply data storage that's subsidized by new users.