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Title : A Prayer Before Dawn
Year : 2018
Release Date: August 10th, 2018
R |1 hr 57 min
Cast: Joe Cole, Billy Moore, Pornchanok Mabklang, Panya Yimmumphai, Chaloemporn Sawatsuk, Komsan Polsan, Sakda Niamhom, Sura Sirmalai
Director: Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire
Genres: Action , Thriller
Production Co: HanWay Films, A24, Hurricane Films
A Prayer Before Dawn STORYLINES
The true story of Billy Moore, a young English boxer incarcerated in two of Thailand’s most notorious prisons. He is quickly thrown into a terrifying world of drugs and gang violence, but when the prison authorities allow him to take part in the Muay Thai boxing tournaments, he realizes this might be his chance to get out. Billy embarks on a relentless, action-packed journey from one savage fight to the next, stopping at nothing to do whatever he must to preserve his life and regain his freedom.
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