Special Day!

in #april7 years ago

I'm sure you all know what day is today.
ya , April Fool's day.
Haha, I remember this day last year. While everyone around me is trying to fool me on this day, I use this day to tell a truth that I still hide with someone important to me, I have confessed as a joke to a girl whom I love very much. No miracles happened that day, she thought it was all a lie but two months later she agreed to come to me. I believe that my lie that day had a great impact on her.
I think April Fool's day does not make sense as its name implies, this is probably a good opportunity for someone trying to tell the truth.
For 364 days a year, we can completely lie to someone for a purpose but today, your lies will carry a better purpose than it is to hide a part of the truth. And finally, what we all want is their's smile, right?aprilfool.jpg


Happy April Fool's day and I'm from Kryptonia @ianstevenson

It sounds funny but the result is good..upvoted by rubelynmacion of krypto

Nice one, keep it up. ID @chetachi26

lovely post, please continue your good work. Kryptonia id @grace234

Thanks for sharing. @ jamescrusader

upvoted from kryptonia @everdope