sorry for slow reply - I missed you question - I dig just 1-2 meters below the surface looking for the gravel layers from ancient river beds - these can be hundreds of feet above ground water - I research the areas to dig and test a small area for a half day -then work it hard for around a 4-7 days = if you want some uncut or cut sapphires I will sell you a parcel very cheap
if you want to know where to go I can give you some hints too
This aquamarine is mined well below ground in a mountain side mine in Nepal -- I was lucky to buy it
Thanks for the reply! - At this time I am not looking to buy any stones or dig them for myself. I just do not remember ever meeting a gem-stone miner and I thought that I would utilize the resource! Where I live there are lots of people that work in the coal mine industry, and are you some sort of free lance miner or do your minerals automaticly go to a company?