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RE: My name is Mark and I am a professional gardener.

in #aquaponics9 years ago

Just a hunch, but I believe that people are going to not only continue to move to organics, but also look more into organics. I'm just thinking ahead, I hope you can appreciate this; it takes time to adjust ones processes. I'm also concerned about man-made pollutants in the food and water. There is science to back this up, this is why I believe I will not be alone and it is good to anticipate this in the consumer.

That said, It would be awesome to see you share your experience and pictures. The more gardening experience we have the better off we all will be.


I concur with the belief that "Organics" are "original" with the acceptance of 'science-backed data'. 'hydroponics or aeroponics' along with natural sun ( vegging , clones, mother) + depending on the garden [parameters], **a few HPS lighting. As far as the watering goes, irrigating a well stocked pond provides most if not all of the essential 'vitamins' .. Another side note..haha Lady bugs love thermytes but they're only sold in bags of 2,000, so good-luck fishing them out of drainline. They also Bite