My first post: Sharing my aquarium hobby with the blockchain world!

in #aquarium5 years ago (edited)


Ohhh I can't help it! I intended to start this blog as a travel blog but I felt the need to share with the crypto universe the beauty of planted aquariums and why you can consider starting a simple project in the comfort of your own homes!

It is essentially the art of creating a natural landscape underwater. The goal is to replicate nature and create something that is both pleasing for the viewers and healthy for the plants, fishes and all aquatic life within.


You can create the perfect aquascape with a good arrangement of rocks and wood (we call those hardscapes). In recent years, aquascappers are getting more and more creative with the material used to create the perfect aquascape! A helpful hint? use materials that you can find around water bodies and lakes!


Aquatic Plants
Aquatic plants comes in various colours and leaf texture. A good aquascape will have a vibrant combinations of colours that blends in naturally, creating the desired outcome. There are various types of aquatic plants in many forms, such as mosses, stem plants and rhizome plants like the anubias family.
Pro-tip! You need to understand the individual plants requirement before you decide where to plant them. Do they need high light? do they need strong flow? or would they prefer shady spots? There is always a perfect position for each aquatic plant! ;)


Its a Fishy World
And of course for every aquascape, there will be the perfect inhabitants each design! Common choices are schooling fishes like tetras and rasbora. Word of caution! NEVER overstock your tank with too many fishes (General rule: 4 litters of water to 1 fish) or you will run into algae problems or sickness among fishes due to poor water quality. More fish = more poop = dirty waters = unhealthy fishes = REKTed.


These colourful shrimps are gaining popularity in the aquarium hobby! They are more sensitive to water parameters and will need extra care! Though their lifespan is relatively short (1 year), the goal is to create an environment where they can breed healthily and flourish within your lush aquascape ;)
Note: Be sure that your shrimps and fishes are compatible, otherwise they become fish food!

Happy aqua-scapping! :)