
in #arab6 years ago

Marketing is defined in its traditional concept as the human activities that contribute to the ease of trade, where not only the exchange of goods , But also includes many services. It also depends on opening channels of communication between the buyer and the seller through the buyer's visit to the market in order to buy the products, and the presence of the seller in the market to find buyers and sell products to them. The concept of modern marketing is the implementation of the function associated with the strategic planning of the efforts that seek to direct, and activate the role of oversight within the programs that make profits for the establishment, and provide the needs of people. Marketing is one of the most important administrative processes applied in large or small enterprises and projects, and summarizes the importance of marketing according to the following points: [2] Identifying the wishes and demands of the establishment. customers. Discover products and current goods within the market. Understand the share of the establishment or project from market shares and compare them with competitors' quotas. Analyzing customer satisfaction with services and goods. Assisting the owner of an enterprise or project in making decisions of importance, both at the level of services, quality or prices; by collecting information and opinions from the market. Support to the production planning process. Achieving continuity in cash flows. Marketing characteristics of marketing have many characteristics, most important of which are: [3] Marketing from renewable and advanced activities: This is evidenced by the development of marketing methods of some types of goods whose marketing depended on old methods in the past are no longer used today. Distinguishing distribution systems in competitive marketing: Due to the reliance on several modern marketing methods, modern and renewable in the promotion of specific products and services, and to distinguish them from other alternative products and competition. The importance of marketing to people in the course of carrying out their functions: Services and goods must meet the needs of people, by buying and selling them by relying on marketing them in ways that are acceptable to them. Although people are important elements in the marketing process, this process can not be judged by ethical standards, Products that people need provide them with various means of marketing. The dominance of small enterprises in marketing: Most of these institutions rely on the recruitment of a small number of employees, not more than five people and the majority of the owners of these institutions themselves. Marketing strategy Marketing in the preparation of its own plan depends on a strategy that is integrated with the strategy applied to the enterprise. The marketing strategy includes formulating the entity's message, analyzing competition and attitude, knowing the objectives and strategies, and recognizing and distributing the products. The marketing strategy is formulated according to the following steps: [4] Preparation of the message: is to clarify the purpose of the existence of the establishment, and depends on the achievement of something specific, such as the provision of telecommunications services or the automotive industry or the design of computer games. The message may change based on new market conditions and conditions. SWOT Analysis: A strategic tool that helps analyze the capabilities of an enterprise by recognizing its weaknesses and strengths, and by knowing the nature of its external environment that contributes to the perception of the nature of threats and opportunities. Knowledge of objectives: The objectives are message-based, which must be converted into real actions, and help achieve the required achievements within a specific time scale. The objectives should be realistic and correctly reflect the external and internal environment, then will contribute to support management to succeed in implementing the marketing strategy. Strategy Identification: is the selection of an appropriate marketing strategy that contributes to the achievement of its objectives. Implementation of the strategy: It is the process that depends on the use of programs that contribute to the implementation of the marketing strategy. For example, if the nature of the company depends on technology should be used specialized research development, and data collection on technology. Marketing Success Requirements Marketing success depends on the following requirements: [5] Recognizing customer needs on a permanent basis. Understand the mission and mission objectives of the facility. Monitoring the environmental changes affecting marketing. Designing marketing plans. Focus on the components of the marketing mix. Balancing the interests of the community, the establishment, and the clients. Marketing ethics Marketing must be characterized by a set of important ethics, including: [5] Clarifying the risks that may result from the use of the service or product. Stay away from using deceptive and false advertising. Do not use products to influence and exploit customers. Ensure equity while dealing with suppliers and customers. Marketing Objectives: Marketing aims to achieve several objectives related to the establishment, the most important of which are: [1] Profit Making: The main objective of the establishments that seek to increase their income and profits. The role of marketing is to reach these profits by achieving an appropriate volume of sales that contribute to obtaining On profits by exploiting opportunities, using new means of marketing, and searching for the most lucrative areas within the market. Continued growth: The role of marketing in promoting and supporting the growth of the establishment by increasing its sales upward; that is, achieving a higher sales rate compared to previous rates, and this contributes to increase the share of the establishment in the market or support its participation in new markets.
#aimen benaissa
References ^ AB (2004 - 2005), Marketing, Algeria: University of Farhat Abbas - Setif, page 3, 4, 8, 9, 10. Acting. ↑ "Modern Marketing Concept and Importance",, read it on 26-10-2017. Acting. ↑ Dr. Wael Khalil (2017), Marketing Management (First Edition), Dar Al-Mu'taz Publishing and Distribution, page 104, 105. ↑ Baath University - Syria, Strategic Marketing Planning, Page 1, 2, 3, 4. Acting. ^ AB Arab British Academy of Higher Education, Marketing Department, page 3, 4. Acting.IMG_20180625_072549249.jpg