
Same question...

I Think It was flagged or something.....Maybe the boss @haejin can tell us more and if also I am right.

Reposted due to being flagged.

There has been an attack on @haejin since December by people who are jealous of his success. They see steemit as a zero sum game, where every dollar haejin receives is a dollar that they are losing.

Because of their greed they downvote these posts. If the power of the downvotes outweigh the power of the upvotes, it hides the post.
They do this to try to censor good content. They also post numerous copy/paste spam in the comments section denigrating @haejin.

If you find @haejin's content to be interesting or useful, please upvote and resteem. Also please downvote the spammers so that we can make this community a better place.

@danpaulson well you are a little biased aren't you? You've been given multiple upvotes from Haejin himself and StarJuno lol... The guy is gaining around $10,000 a week on here, if you can't see that as excessive for some TA (which I do myself and get basically nothing for), then you have lost your mind or are a part of his voting ring.

He gets 90%+ of his rewards from 1 account upvoting him, ranchorelaxo, how is that success? If he didn't have him upvoting him then he would have like $20-30 a post at most (which is good yes but not anywhere near $150+ every post 7-10 times a day).

So people aren't flagging him because of jealousy, they are flagging him because he is taking a massive chunk of the reward pool for himself. Steemit is a decentralized community where the people decide how rewards will be distributed and only a wack job would say that Haejin deserves 2%+ of the reward pool to himself on a platform where there is hundreds of thousands.

"Because of their greed they downvote these posts"... How ironic when that explains Haejin perfecly! 1 person gaining 2% of the reward pool... holy shit you have no common sense or common decency if you think that is OK.

Ranchorelaxo purchased over 1M in steam. His votes are just as valid as yours. You don't own his votes or his steampower.

Yes I have been upvoted by haejin. Funny, because part of the narrative the detractors put out there is that haejin never upvotes anyone but himself.

But of course the posts that haejin upvoted, as well as every other non related post and comment of mine has been downvoted to zero by berniesanders and his legion of idiots. Who like you want steemit to be an authoritarian site where they decide how much posts are worth and who deserves rewards.

We can vote and flag who we like. You're welcome to vote for him. I will be flagging him for abusing a potentially valuable network for his own greed.

It's a free world

Be sure to downvote my photo of a tree like your degenerate leaders. Somehow I'm sure you think you are making the world a better place.

What you said about Ranchorelaxo I could say about Berniesanders as well obviously. I don't want steemit to be an authoritarian site where a few people decide how much posts are worth.

If i'm being totally honest with you this website is a shitshow and will never work and just highlights the major disadvantages of decentralizing certain things.

I'm just saying that I wish 1 person didn't receive 2% of the reward pool, I wish everyone could make a living on here if they offer enough but as I said that will never happen and steemit will most likely ultimate fail (in my opinion).

The incentive structure is all fucked up here and doomed to fail.
This is what a libertarian utopia looks like when the philosophy breaks down into a giant free for all clusterfuck

Because of their greed they downvote these posts.

Lies. also @dan flagged some of his post because he is greedy too ?

They do this to try to censor good content

It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.

They also post numerous copy/paste spam in the comments section denigrating @haejin.



There has been an attack on @haejin since December by people who are jealous of his success. They see steemit as a zero sum game, where every dollar haejin receives is a dollar that they are losing.

Because of their greed they downvote these posts. If the power of the downvotes outweigh the power of the upvotes, it hides the post.
They do this to try to censor good content. They also post numerous copy/paste spam in the comments section denigrating @haejin.

If you find @haejin's content to be interesting or useful, please upvote and resteem. Also please downvote the spammers so that we can make this community a better place.

It's a battle between whales

They also post numerous copy/paste spam in the comments section

look you just did the same here twice with this comment, just saying ...