Payment decentralized with Araw

in #araw7 years ago

Brief introduction for ARAW

ARAW is a biological community with decentralized installment, in view of Ethereum Blockchain, which tries to expand the execution of blockchain in regular day to day existence around the globe. ARAW IS the main organization on the planet to join the advantages of web based business and installments enterprises; to give final result answers for internet business, Cryptocurrency Touch and Pay cards, online cryptographic money installment and bound together reward framework on Ethereum Blockchain in view of the ARAW token. The motivation behind the ARAW token is to be a piece of ordinary web based shopping.

With the ARAW token, ARAW have particularly developed the ARAW stage to change the micropayments business while tending to the necessities of clients and also make the business more achievable. The proficient and prepared gathering, while at the same time making ARAW token, got the genuine capacities of forefront headways to develop a minute and secure technique for making micropayment by our taking an intrigue dealers.

Araw stage kills the key issues in the economy of internet business and digital currency. The ARAW token goes about as in excess of a straightforward reward - as it is utilized and recovered for all individuals from the ARAW biological system. Also, proprietors ARAW may change over their tokens into fiat money utilizing the portable wallet ARAW and return money back to your Bank account.

Additionally ARAW token will enable normal clients to partake in the quickly extending universe of digital currency - conveying advantages to all gatherings included. The key components are the simplicity of acknowledgment for the customer as reward plans are as of now normal.

The ARAW token is an utility based token particularly intended for the worldwide E-business commercial center. ARAW token fills in as brought together rewards and also method of installments for both on the web and retail outlets.

The Araw Platform offers a down to earth answer for the issues delineated above and additionally the possibility to end up the pragmatic heart of web based business and cryptographic money consolidated. It endeavors to remunerate shopping with cryptographic money by uncovering the normal individual to the ARAW token. The key focal point of ARAW is giving easy access to digital currency possession which accompanies potential ascent in esteem - without managing any of the hidden complexities which make cryptographic money ugly.

How does The ARAW's environment function?

One of the fundamental objectives of the Araw Platform is to give brought together reward framework and promoting answer for online business organizations, which plans to expand the impression of clients, building important associations with them, and subsequently increment the development of the business. We display the ARAW Token as the answer for open the maximum capacity of reward projects and in this way increment esteem for all members in this reliability framework.

The ARAW Token Ecosystem

What is Araw Pay?

Araw Pay will be an open gadget to acknowledge installments in ARAW tokens and can be utilized by any shippers anyplace online simply like some other installment door suppliers. We intend to give consistent Araw pay arrangements in Araw portable and web wallet, open API stage, and Araw web based business commercial center.

Internet business Marketplace

Given our dispersed record framework, things available to be purchased are assembled from various parts of the globe on the commercial center. Purchasers and merchants from various parts of the world likewise meet up in a distributed empowered condition for exchanges. Clients of the stage would thus be able to approach the whole rundown of the considerable number of offers accessible on the Araw commercial center. With our assistance and the Araw Platform, any shop proprietor is allowed to execute a solitary deal or manufacture a venture level web based business stage.

Araw Card - Touch and Pay

Araw - Touch and Pay card intends to empower clients to make micropayments at cafés, general stores and everyday internet shopping. It contains radio-recurrence recognizable proof (RFID) to speak with card peruser to empower contactless installments. With the arrival of Araw Card, we are hoping to raise reception of the Araw stage by general clients.

Open API Platform

With ARAW Token Open API Platform, clients don't have to know any type of programming code or dialect to make utilization of the framework. It is organized to be used out of the container.

The ARAW versatile wallet persistently associated with Cryptocurrency Exchanges keeps up the live swapping scale of the ARAW token and different digital currencies.

Managing an account System Integration

With consistent managing an account framework coordinated in the Araw Platform, Customers will have the capacity to purchase ARAW tokens utilizing connected financial balances. They will likewise have the capacity to trade ARAW tokens with fiat and send cashback to connected records.

Araw Mobile Wallet

The seamless integration of Araw Mobile Wallet with Banking and cryptocurrency Exchanges will enable Araw Platform users to;

1. Top-up ARAW Tokens with a click of a button

2. Send and Receive ARAW tokens

3 . Exchange ARAW tokens with any other crypto currencies like ETH and BTC

4. Exchange ARAW Token with fiat currency and get cashback

Digital currency Exchanges Integration

Araw stage coordination with cryptographic money trades would enable clients to trade ARAW tokens with different digital currencies (like ETH and BTC). Clients of the stage can likewise change over from one digital money to the next and from cryptographic money to fiat cash

Ethereum Blockchain – Proof of Delivery and Service

The Araw e-commercial center use shrewd contracts to make the way toward trading merchandise with ARAW token quick, secure and include trust in the framework. It creates secure escrow for two executing parties. Through this strategy they are given a money– back assurance for purchasers if the item ends up being substandard and for the vender, it guarantees that the store for the item they set on the commercial center is safely exchanged to them.

Distributed Transfer

The ARAW token stage empowers distributed exchange to allow clients to participate in coordinate trade of products and enterprises. This empowers unhindered commerce between two gatherings anyplace on the planet. A merchant can offer specifically to a purchaser over the world without the typical administrations of mediators or experiencing distinctive cash transformations and swapping scale variances.

Bound together Reward System

With the different contributions of the ARAW Platform, we are set to unlock the present restrictions found in customary client reliability programs and rush the improvement of a more agreeable, bound together, and aggressive client remunerate industry. We expect to supplant the conventional prohibitive reward focuses framework utilized by common trade organizations with a blockchain based powerful cash that builds support and communication amongst clients and administrations.


Token Sale

Token: ARAW

Token type: ERC20

ICO token price: 1 ARAW = $0.01

Total tokens: 5,000,000,000

Available for token sale: 3,500,000,000 (70%)

Whitelist: YES (15 May – 30 June)

Know Your Customer (KYC): YES Pre-sale

start date: 1 JULY

Public sale start date: TBD

Soft cap: 5,000,000 USD

Hard cap: 25,000,000 USD

Accepts: ETH

For more information







author: sundaynectar